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Last update: -2022 06 18

Past news releases - Communiqués passés

Man-made disaster in Dalit colonies of Dharmapuri district


Tiruvannamalai, 14th November 2012


Dear Sir, Dear Madem,


Greetings, please find below the report of the Violence Against Dalits in Dharmapuri District on 7th November 2012. The affected people are living without any assets, so POPE is planning to involve in Relief process for this helpless people by the means of cloths, mats, school bags, notebooks, cooking vessels etc.


I am requesting your mercy for these affected Dalits.


Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,




Dharmapuri district disaster 14 11 2012
Document Adobe Acrobat 27.4 KB

Une catastrophe humaine parmi la colonie dalit dans la région de Dharmapuri

Tiruvannamalai, le 14 novembre 2012



Mesdames, Messieurs,


Veuillez trouver ci-dessous notre rapport concernant les violences à l'encontre des Dalits dans le district de Dharmapuri le 7 novembre 2012. Les personnes touchées ont perdu tous leurs biens, ainsi POPE prévoit de se porter au secours de ces pauvres gens en leur procurant des vêtements, des nattes, des cartables, des cahiers, des ustensiles de cuisine, etc.


Je demande votre aide pour ces Dalits affectés.


En vous remerciant,

Très sincérement.




Président - POPE


Dharmapuri district disaster 14 11 2012
Document Adobe Acrobat 503.8 KB

The south-east of India is hit by Cyclone Nilam


Le cyclone Nilam a frappé la côte Est de l'Inde 



Wednesday 31st October 2012


We have very strong rain since yesterday, we had a big storm and cyclone formed in Bay of Bengal near Chennai. The Governments of Tamilnadu and Pondicherry announced the Government Holiday today. The Cyclone hit severely the Northern districts of Tamilnadu and also Pondicherry. It starts to move from sea at 4.30 pm and we are having big storm and rain, the losses in the coastal belt are not yet calculated. The both state Governments announced one day more holiday for the Educational Institutions and Colleges.



Mercredi 31 octobre 2012

Il pleut très fort depuis hier, nous avons eu une grosse tempête et un cyclone s'est formé dans la baie du Bengale près de Madras. Les gouvernements du Tamil Nadu et de Pondichéry ont annoncé que les élèves seront en vacances aujourd'hui. Le cyclone a frappé durement les régions du nord du Tamil Nadu et de Pondichéry également. Il a commencé à se déplacer vers 16 heures 30, nous avons de gros orages et de grosses pluies, les pertes sur la côte ne sont pas encore évaluées. Les gouvernements des 2 Etats ont annoncé un jour de fermeture supplémentaire de tous les établissements scolaires.

RL Rosario
Directeur de POPE




Friday 9th November 2012


Fortunately the Nilam Storm has not affected to much the Tamil Nadu but it destroyed few places in Andhra Pradesh.


The cyclone killed eight people in Tamil Nadu and three in Andhra Pradesh. It also destroyed more than 200 electric posts and about 100 trees were uprooted in Chennai. About 3,800 people have been evacuated in Mahaballipuram.


Chennai Law colleges exam has been postponed.




Vendredi 9 novembre 2012


Heureusement, Nilam n'a pas trop touché le Tamil Nadudu mais il a détruit des centaines de maisons ainsi que des centaines d'hectares de champs de coton ou de riz en Andhra Pradesh.


Le cyclone a tué huit personnes dans le Tamil Nadu et trois dans l'Andhra Pradesh. Il a également détruit plus de 200 poteaux électriques et environ 100 arbres ont été déracinés à Madras. Environ 3.800 personnes ont été évacuées à Mahaballipuram.


Les étudiants en droit de Madras ont vu leurs examens reportés.


RL Rosario

Director POPE


Si vous utilisez un lecteur d'écran, cliquez ici pour désactiver la recherche instantanée Google.
Si vous utilisez un lecteur d'écran, cliquez ici pour désactiver la recherche instantanée Google.

Chennai, today!

Our future plans

B 1 Future plans V1.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 56.7 KB

Health Education for Health Status - Improvements of Vulnerable Community

Project background


POPE (People Organization for Planning and Education) has been involved in developing a health centre with 20 bed rural hospital. With in the hospital, there is one health education centre with all the required infrastructures for training.



Problem situation


In the rural areas where Dalits and other socially and economically backward people living villages, at least 60% 80% of the diseases they get are easily preventable. Among children, diarrheal diseases, respiratory infection, vitamin A deficiency and malnutrition are the most popular health deficiencies. Among adolescent girls and women, Iron deficiency leads to Anemia. The anemia among adolescent mothers and pregnant mothers are most common where the poor people living. Tuberculosis is associated with poverty. HIV / AIDS is another major life style disease, followed with hyper tension, diabetes. The occupational diseases for child labourers and those who work at hazardous situation is threatening the children and youth. Sexually transmitted diseases, skin diseases, reproductive tract infection, poor sexual hygiene, personal hygiene and environmental hygiene are the major causes for the incidence and prevalence of many communicable diseases. Water borne diseases are more among the place where unsafe drinking water and poor environmental sanitation exists. If health education is given to the community, most of the diseases can be easily prevented and controlled in further transmission.



Project Assumption


It may be difficult to bring all the community members to the POPE health centre for training. On the other hand, the leaders and representatives of self help groups and other groups representatives can be given health education. In turn, the trained leaders can disseminate the health information to other members in the community. Through health education they can develop positive attitude, improve the knowledge on health and develop skill in application of knowledge. The superstitious beliefs and customs related to the dietary practice of pregnant mothers need to be modified. So the health education may be useful for behaviour modification.


Project period - 1 year



Project beneficiaries (direct)


  • Self Help Group leaders / representatives
  • Youth club / children’s club, farmers group representatives
  • Dalit Rights Forum members
  • Dalit Makkal Mandram
  • DRF (Dalit Rights Federation) representatives
  • Dalit NGO partners
  • Dalit / Arundadi community



Project beneficiaries (indirect)


  • Below poverty line families.
  • Community group members
  • General community.




Overall goal of the project is to prevent and control the incidence and prevalence of communicable and non communicable diseases.




  • To create awareness on the incidence and prevalence of various common diseases prevailing in the project area.
  • To increase the health status of children, women, youth, farmers from vulnerable community.
  • To increase the utilization of existing health care services for disease management.
  • To reduce the occurrence of high risk pregnancy and home delivery.
  • To increase the nutritional status of under five age children, adolescent girls and boys and pregnant women.



List of Training

  • Training on Anemia control.
  • Training on Dietary practices during pregnancy.
  • Training on mother and child health.
  • Adolescent girls training
  • Adolescent boys training
  • Personal and environmental hygiene
  • HIV / AIDS prevention and control
  • T.B. prevention and control
  • Care during pregnancy
  • First aid training
  • Training on community nutrition
  • Training on life style diseases.
  • Health workers training for the NGOs.


Dalit children's theme park

Problem of Dalit Children


Various studies indicate that the drop out rate among Dalit School going children are 50% higher than the non-Dalit children. In Science and Maths education, the Dalit children’s performance was very poor. The educational standard is also poor in comparison with non-Dalit children. The level of reasoning and the articulation capacity is also poor among Dalit children. The reasons for their low performance are as follows:


  • Most of the Dalit children are the first generation learners; they are unable to get the required educational support from their own parents.
  • Poverty and the low purchasing power are the problems and so they lack concentration on their studies.
  • Lack of support measures from the community to the school going children.
  • Child labour, the children who are working in the field, going after sheeps / cattle etc., are not getting adequate attention, and becoming school drop outs gradually.
  • Children do not have educational models and facilities to verify their scientific knowledge and increase their reasoning.



POPE Children


POPE has remedial school children at Somasipadi and other under privileged, destitute children at Thallakulam. These children have the background of what we said earlier. The educational institutions where the children are studying also do not have the science laboratory and other equipments to increase their educational accuracy, reasoning and articulation capacity.


The Dalit children from the POPE project area, covering Kilpennathur block, Thurinjapuram block and Tiruvannamalai block (40 villages) have children’s club (Dalit Children’s Kingdom). They need to be exposed on such Theme Park.



What is POPE Children’s Theme Park?


The children’s theme park will be situated in Thallakulam campus of POPE. 2000 square feet area is set aside for the formation of theme park with the appropriate fencing. The theme park will consist in the following items.


  • Selected indoor games of scientific reasoning.
  • Biological models like animal / birds with its features and characteristics.
  • Physics related apparatus as how lights and sounds pass through experimentation.
  • Verification of certain natural Laws and atmosphere like planets and its properties.
  • Some areas covered with sand for children’s knowledge based games.
  • Mathematical games.
  • Health improvement tips and practices - life science materials
  • Mathematics riddles and solutions.





The overall goal of the Dalit children’s theme park is to enable the children to build up sound knowledge in school subjects such as Science and Maths through games / models documentation etc.





  • To increase the scientific knowledge and the capacity of reasoning, articulation through exercises, seeing the equipments and practical application.
  • To develop the children’s questioning mind and readiness for experimentation.
  • To enhance the capacity of children to initiate discussion and take up leadership positions with in the schools where the children are studying.