POPE has been working with the marginalized people such as poor Dalits, voiceless women, working children, bonded labourers, widows, destitute, small farmers, unemployed youth, school drop outs, flood and Tsunami affected victims from its inception for their socio economic political empowerment. Those who were neglected and excluded from the development process are being included for their need based development process. This theme has reflected various activities of POPE over the years.
For the empowerment of Dalit community, POPE is following the foot path of Dr. Ambedkar:
Establishment of an egalitarian society with social justice, harmony and peace where the vulnerable, voiceless, and oppressed groups live in dignity and demand their rights through social action and community development activities.
The overall motto of POPE is to strengthen the voices of the vulnerable Dalits and other needy community for their living on par with others.
For a successful revolution it is not enough
that there is discontent.
What is required is a profound and thorough conviction of the justice,
necessity and importance
of political and social rights.
Dr. Ambedkar